Enabling Transaction History for initial deposit and compunding/harvesting
in progress
Benedikt Oswald
Hi Team,
It would be really nice if you could implement a feature that makes my inital deposit and all the compounding/harvesting history visible.
Right now I can only see the pending interest and the current value of the pool.
Can you please integrate a feature, where I can see my initial deposit value in e.g. USD and also how often and how much USD have been compounded or harvested?
This would be awesome.
Thanks and regards
vfat portfolio manager
Please check our out beta metrics page at info.vf.at
Digital Review
Great post, looking forward to this reporting feature. Currently, harvest does not show up on base scan, but does show in my wallet :) Not sure if others are able to track using base scan or some other method.
The initial deposit amount with the prices at which the asset was bought or added at the time the liquidity was added to the pool, then it will be possible to calculate impermanent loss
It would be nice if to all of this you added export to excel file
vfat portfolio manager
in progress
vfat portfolio manager
Hey thank you for the suggestion, this is being worked on yes!
Charlie Hustle
vfat portfolio manager yes this what i wanted to talk to yo about also that woulb be great
Seri Whispers
Great idea , in the meantime I take sceenshots of all my transactions