Fee Transparency
New User
Can you add in an approx USD$ amount when rebalancing to know how high the fees actually are? With slippage, maybe an approx max and min number, just so that it is more transparent how much the rebalancing will cost in terms of fees?
The fees are mentioned in %, but don't really make sense to me as a new user (e.g. Aero protocol fee is <0.01$, but 0.9%, whereas WETH protocol fee is 0.21$ but only 0.01%)
vfat portfolio manager
vfat portfolio manager
When rebalancing there are different costs to consider, namely impermanent loss, swap fees, and our protocol fees. We only have control over the latter, which is what we show on the preview (0.9% of rewards and 0.01% of the position in your case). The swap fees are charged by the liquidity providers where the swaps take place and are harder to predict, but they are typically higher than our fees. Impermanent loss is a very broad subject, please use online resources for it. Our fees are explained in more detail here https://docs.vfat.io/yield#fee-structure