Hi 1. Pool statistics are incorrect in most cases. 2. If a pool is not available on the site but is on a site like Pancake Swap and we create a pool there and then try to enter the information into your site, both the statistics will be incorrect and the information of that new pool will not be added to the general list of pools. 3. Sites that have farm points in addition to the swap fee for some of their pools, their farm information is not in the statistics, like Pancake Swap. 4. Add a calculator that shows if, for example, in a pool until such a day ago until now, if you had invested such a number of dollars, you would have made this much profit, this item 4 is very interesting, please prioritize this. Thank you and us In the two images below, both are the same position, one on your site and the other on Pancake. The daily bonus on your site shows $0.028 in its statistics, but on Pancake it shows $6.53 daily, the width is the same, the amount is $120, I am confused, either the statistics are wrong or I am doing something wrong.