Pool: CL100-WETH/USDC on Base I've set: Price drops: 100 (Price drops to 100% below position lower boundary (1132.4)) Price rises: 5 (Price rises to 5% above position upper boundary (4238.6)) while focusing in USDC (which is actually important, because this changes). What I would expect by setting 5% for upper boundary is that I don't want to auto-rebalance till the price hits 4238.6 (which is what description says), and by 100% (to not rebalance when the price hits 1132.4). So exactly what descriptions says. So the description of the second custom buffer make sense, however when I go Manual Rebalance to see the Current position, this is when it become confusing, because it's showing this description: Auto-Rebalance buffer lower limit ($-5%). It's confusing, because I've sent to rebalance when it hit 4238.6, but the position shows buffer lower limit at 2927, and upper limit at 10595. So I don't know exactly what's going to happen at 2927. Is this correct, or a bug, or UI issue? Also, the boundaries goes off the area, not a big issue. Another thing is, that when you set in Manual tab Price in USDC or WETH, the values in Auto-Rebalance change (switch places) and it's even more confusing. At this point I'm hesitating to use custom buffers, as I don't know what's going to do. It would be good to have some status section (like for Auto-Compound) to report and summary in form of table what it actually does or waiting for. Update: Actually there is, but it's only visible when price goes out of range.